Neck Pain

The neck, which begins at the base of the skull and contains seven small vertebrae, supports the full weight of your head. When injured, it can be painful to move your head, and depending on the severity of the pain, it can cause upper back pain and shoulder pain. Whether caused by a car accident or other personal injury, neck pain, and whiplash or other auto accident injuries are possible. Our chiropractors at Lorain Injury Center in Lorain County can provide a holistic approach to pain management using drug-free, non-surgical treatment options.


What is neck pain?

Neck pain is a condition where patients experience discomfort and varying levels of pain that can worsen when bending the neck or moving the head. Common causes of neck pain include arthritis, disc degeneration, a narrowing spinal canal, strain, trauma, or muscle inflammation. In rare cases, neck pain may be a sign of meningitis or cancer.

Can a personal injury cause neck pain?

A personal injury, such as a slip and fall or an auto accident, can result in severe neck pain. It may cause neck strain, sprain, fracture, or a ruptured disc, which can cause significant neck pain. Additionally, neck pain can occur with headaches, stress, or poor posture.

Seeing a chiropractor for neck pain

Chiropractic care can provide a non-invasive, drug-free treatment option for patients suffering from neck pain. Whether your neck pain is a chronic medical condition or an auto accident, seeing a chiropractor can help provide you with a customized pain management treatment plan. The most commonly used chiropractic care treatment option is spinal adjustment, which helps realign the spinal column, releasing pressure on nerves, muscles, and ligaments. Other chiropractic care treatment options include physical therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, electrical stimulation, and cold laser treatments.

Visit Our Chiropractors for Your Auto Accident Injury

If you are struggling with neck pain associated with a car accident, personal injury, whiplash, or other medical condition, seeing a chiropractor can provide the care and treatment needed for a speedy recovery. Our team at Lorain Injury Center in Lorain County is experienced in helping patients with neck pain find the relief they need to live a happy, healthy life. Call our office today at (440) 240-9390 to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor and learn more about how we can help provide you with a non-invasive neck pain treatment plan.

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